Read-me for glype template Cool Green

Thank you for downloading this proxy template from!

Please take the time to read this guide which will get your proxy set up in no time.
The installation of the proxy is relatively straightforward and primarily involves simply uploading the relevant template files to your server. In some cases it is necessary to assign file permissions using CHMOD. Please skip to the appropriate instructions for the proxy script you are using.

Theme Installation instructions

1. Unzip the zip file. It will create a new directory named “coolgreen”
This directory will contain the theme files.

2. The config.php file in the “coolgreen” directory must be edited to customize
the template. Edit the file manually.
3. Upload the “coolgreen “directory to your [glype directory]/themes
directory. The theme files should now be in
[glype directory]/themes/coolgreen

4. Open your [glype directory]/includes/settings.php file. If you are
using glype version 0.5X change the siteSKIN constant to this:


If you are using glype 1.0 then change the $CONFIG[‘theme’] variable:

$CONFIG[‘theme’] = ‘coolgreen’;

Now when you will view your site it should display the new coolgreen template.

Adding Adsense to This template.

1.To add adsense to this template just open the file config.php  from the folder contaning  yourproxy/themes/coolgreen/config.php
2. If you are using windows based Operating system then press ctrl+f  and find this line
“<!–ADD Adsense below here–>”
3.Now simply put your adsense code under this line and it should be above “<!–END adsense code–>” or else your ad might not display properly.
4. Now to add adsense search simply open the file main.php from the folder yourproxy/themes/coolgreen/main.php and find the line ” <input type=”hidden” name=”client” value=”pub-“></input> ” and put your adsense publisher id in pub field.

This is it now you should see adsense ads and search box appearing at your site .